EF Marine has a global network of Correspondents to assist our clients with prompt assistance when needed.
To locate one of our Correspondents please use the search functionality here below.
San Jose
Transmares Costa Rica S.A. (HQ)
Edificio Corporativo Plaza Tempo
Lobby B, Piso 4, Oficina N° 001B
San Rafael, Escazú
Costa Rica
Mr. Esteban Montenegroemontenegro@transmares.co.cr
Mr. Alejandro Vargasshipsupplier@transmares.co.cr
Mr. Mario Rodriguezgerencia@transmares.co.cr
San Jose
MCA (Maritime Claims America Inc) (San Jose)
Carl Ayestascayestas@maritime-claims.com
Juan Carlos Rossijcrossi@mcacr.com
Marianella Caridadmarianela@mcacr.com
Schwabe Williamson & Wyatt (Portland)
United Kingdom
C Kent Roberts+1 503 241 0672ckroberts@schwabe.com
David Boyajiandboyajian@schwabe.com
Colin Folawn+1 503 771 1813cfolawn@schwabe.com